Section 11: Wing Installation (Rubber Band Option)
Required Parts
• Wing
• Fuselage
• Wing dowel (2)
• Rubber band (10)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Medium CA
Step 1
Insert one of the wing dowels into the holes in the
fuselage at the front of the wing saddle. Center the
dowel in the fuselage.
Step 2
Apply medium CA to the dowel where it enters the
fuselage. The CA will seep into fuselage, securing
the wing dowel.
: Apply a thin layer of CA to the
exposed dowel to prevent fuel from soaking
into the dowel.
Step 3
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the rear wing dowel. Allow
the CA to fully cure before continuing.
Step 4
Plug the aileron servo into the aileron extension.
Attach the wing to the fuselage using 14 rubber
bands. The first set of rubber bands should cross as
shown. Alternate straight and crossed until all but
the last two rubber bands are installed. The last two
should cross, as this helps hold the other rubber
bands on the dowels.