Section 6: Hinging the Elevators
Step 4
Install the hinges in the stabilizer.
Step 5
Slide the elevators into position against the stabilizer. Use
a felt-tipped pen to accurately transfer the location of the
hinges onto the elevators.
Step 6
Mix 1/2 ounce of 30-minute epoxy. Apply the epoxy to
one side of a hinge. Slide the hinge into the elevator.
Clean up any excess epoxy from the hinge using
denatured alcohol and a paper towel. Allow the epoxy to
fully cure before continuing to the next step.
Step 7
Check the fit between the stabilizer and elevator. Adjust
the slots in the stabilizer if necessary. Once the fit is
satisfactory, mix 1/2 ounce of 30-minute epoxy and join
the elevators and stabilizer.
Photo for Step 6