Features and Requirements
New Features in WordSmith 2.2
Support for Palm OS 5 implemented. WordSmith for OS 5 is actually 3k smaller than before!
New High Resolution application icons for FineType and WordSmith for Palm OS 5 devices.
Extend Selection: Allows you to select large blocks of text easily. Similar to using shift-arrow keys on
keyboard. Just place cursor where you want to begin selection, and then go to the Options menu/Extend
Selection and place cursor where you want the selection to end. Works nicely with the File menu’s Go To
features. This option is great for editing with the stylus or for users of keyboards that don’t support shift-
arrow to select text.
Search from top: If you do a search or replace and you do not start at the top and nothing is found, WS
will now ask if you would like to search again from the top.
Find dialog changed so when you hit the 'Search Other Applications' checkbox, it will now bring up the
system find dialog so there is no checkbox to 'Search this document'. You would need to 'Cancel' and hit
'Find' again to go back to the 'Search this document' dialog. Find next is as simple as hitting the system find
icon again and tap ok.
With FineType off on Sony CLIE High Resolution devices, we have switched to display with the larger