16 Chuk/Changer Instruction
1. Use small washers if necessary
to maintain clearance between
clutch hub and lathe housing.
2. Line up set screw
with flat on 1/2” shaft
and tighten securely.
Slide Chuk/Changer with
adapter onto motor hub
and secure in place with
set screws on adapter.
Normal running position will
vary according to amount of
lathe end play.
Never move handle to
running position WITHOUT
a tool in the collet.
Remove the chuck remover
completely from the right side
(or for the left handed Chuk/
Changer) of the lathe
(See Fig. 1).
If you have a lathe manufactured
prior to 1972, remove the
set screw holding the chuck
remover located on the rear at
the lathes red hub. Remove the
chuck remover completely.
Remove the red polymer
cap from the motor hub. Sand
and/or scrap all paint from 2”
diameter lathe hub using the
emery cloth provided.
(See Fig. 3)
Using emery cloth, remove
burs, rust or paint from the
1/2” portion of the motor shaft.
Place clutch on to 1/2” portion of the
shaft, sliding clutch onto 1/2” portion to
shoulder inside 2” hub. The large diameter
of the aluminum portion of the clutch
should be positioned approximately 1/6”
from the 2” hub. (See Fig. 4)
Tighten set screw to mark the shaft
slightly. Loosen set screw and remove
clutch. File a small flat section where clutch
screw secures to 1/2” position of the shaft.
Lightly sand filed portion to remove the bur,
caused by filing. Replace clutch tightening
set screw securely.
Scrape off all red paint that is on
the 2” diameter housing.
1/2” shaft
File flat for
set screw
Remove -if hub has plastic
1/32” maximum allowable shaft
movement (end play) when
approximately 50 lbs pressure
is applied to end of shaft
applied here
If end play
exceeds 1/6”
condition must
be corrected.
With Chuk/Changer handle
in 6 o’clock position, place
Chuk/Changer with hub
adapter on to lathe hub.
A slight pressure may be
necessary to accomplish this
procedure. Tighten set screw
in Chuk/Changer’s hub adapter,
Slowly rotate chuck handle
clockwise, to 9:30 o’clock
position. Allow handle to
ease into position. Should the
handle stop beyond the 10:30
o’clock position, the chuck has
not been “slid” on to the hub
properly. (Place the handle
in the 6 o’clock position and
repeat Step 6 above, pushing
the entire assembly towards
the lathe.
Having adjusted the clutch handle into the
proper position, secure all set screws on the
The operating range of the clutch handle is
6:00 o’clock counter-clockwise to OPEN the
collets and 9:30-10:30 o’clock to CLOSE collets.
MAKE CERTAIN never to close the collets
without a tool in it.
Clean collets every 30 days. Lubricating
outside of collets with a LIGHT coat of silicone
grease-ONLY. Always keep a tool in the collets
so the hardened collets will not take a smaller
diameter set.
NOTE: Should the clutch handle stop before the 9:30 o’clock
position, the adapter set screws should be loosened and the
entire chuck assembly pulled away from the the lathe.
Review FAQ section on our website at:
www.handlermfg.com or call 1-908-233-7796.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6