Hampton GC60 Cast Pellet Stove Technical Manual
18. The Limited Warranty does not cover tarnish, discoloration or wear on the plated surfaces.
19. The paint on the Metal Brick Liner may peel. This is due to the extreme conditions applied to the paint during normal usage. It is
not a fl aw and is not covered under warranty.
20. FPI is free of liability for any damages caused by the fi replace or stove, as well as inconvenience expenses and materials. The
Limited Warranty does not cover incidental or consequential damages.
21. The Limited Warranty does not cover any loss or damage incurred by the use or removal of any component or apparatus to or
from the Hampton wood pellet stove or insert without the express written permission of FPI and bearing a FPI label of approval.
22. Any statement or representation of Hampton products and their performance contained in Hampton advertising, packaging litera-
ture, or printed material is not part of the Limited Warranty.
23. The Limited Warranty is automatically voided if the fi replace or stove’s serial number has been removed or altered in any way. If
the stove is used for commercial purposes, it is excluded from the Limited Warranty.
24. No dealer, distributor, or similar person has the authority to represent or warrant Hampton products beyond the terms contained
within the Limited Warranty. FPI assumes no liability for such warranties or representations.
25. FPI will not cover the cost of the removal or re-installation of the stove, hearth, facing, mantels, venting or other components.
26. Labour to replace or repair items under this Limited Warranty will be covered per our warranty service fee reimbursement schedule.
Labour rates are set per component and as such total labour costs may not be covered.
27. FPI is not liable for freight or labour on any stove replaced in-fi eld and is not liable for travel costs for service work. In the event of
in-home repair work, the customer will pay any in-home travel fees or service charges required by the Authorized Dealer.
28. At no time will FPI be liable for any consequential damages which exceed the purchase price of the unit. FPI has no obligation to
enhance or modify any stove once manufactured (example: as a stove evolves, fi eld modifi cations or upgrades will not be performed).
29. This Limited Warranty is applicable only to the original purchaser and it is non-transferable.
30. This warranty only covers Hampton products that are purchased through an authorized Hampton dealer.
31. If for any reason any section of the Limited Warranty is declared invalid, the balance of the warranty remains in effect and all other
clauses shall remain in effect.
32. The Limited Warranty is the only warranty supplied by FPI, the manufacturer of the stove. All other warranties, whether express
or implied, are hereby expressly disclaimed and purchaser’s recourse is expressly limited to the Limited Warranty.
33. FPI and its employees or representatives will not assume any damages, either directly or indirectly, caused by improper usage,
operation, installation, servicing or maintenance of this stove.
34. FPI reserves the right to make changes without notice. Please complete and mail the warranty registration card and have the
installer fi ll in the installation data sheet in the back of the manual for warranty and future reference.