Side cover
(bass side)
Attach a
Hand strap
Top View
Bottom View
While playing, hold the instrument by
putting your left hand through this strap.
Volume knob
for controling volume when an amplifier is connected.
Bass mic
Treble mic
Balance knob
Output jack
for connecting to amplifiers
and external effects
Spit valve
Side cover (treble side)
This short mouthpiece allows you to
send more air which will result in a
better response and greater volume.
Brass instrument mouthpiece
techniques are not required to use
this mouthpiece, nor will the
PRO-24B sound like a trombone
while playing with it.
Allows the PRO-24B to be
played on a tabletop, or on
the top of another keyboard.
This configuration is helpful
for beginners.
Mouthpiece with tube
and “L” shaped joint
Cleaning cloth
There are pocket and
shoulder strap.
Soft case
Release built-up
moisture from the
instrument. First, press
the spit valve and hold
open. Then, blow
strongly from
mouthpiece side
without pressing any
keys. Moisture is
released from the spit
for controlling balance
between bass and treble
microphones when an
amplifier is connected.
Rotate clockwise to raise
treble and counterclockwise
to raise bass.
There are two microphones, one for the bass frequencies and one for the treble.
The bass mic adds a deep and thick tonality, while the treble mic express delicate
nuances such as reed overtones and breath sounds.
Side cover (bass side)
White key
Black key
Side cover (treble side)
Its short length
allows you for
increased dynamics.
Special short
Allows the PRO-27S to be played
on a tabletop, or on the top of
another keybord. This configuration
is helpful for beginners.
Mouthpiece with tube
and “L” shaped joint
There are pocket and
shoulder strap
Soft case
Cleaning cloth
Attach a mouthpiece here.
Release built-up moisture
from the instrument. First,
press the spit valve and hold
open. Then, blow strongly
from mouthpiece side
without pressing any keys.
Moisture is released from
the spit valve.
Spit Valve
for connecting to amplifiers
and external effects.
Output jack
for controling volume when
an amplifier is connected.
Volume knob
White key
Black key
Hand strap
While playing, hold the instrument by
putting your left hand through this strap.