Key 1 to Key 4:
Enter the key to encrypt wireless data. To allow encrypted data
transmission, the WEP Encryption Key values on all wireless stations must be the same as
the router. There are four keys for your selection. The input format is in HEX style, 5 and 13
HEX codes are required for 64-bitWEP and 128-bitWEP respectively.
If you chose
WEP 64-bits
, then enter any 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal characters
("0-9", "A-F").
If you chose
WEP 128-bits
, then enter 13 ASCII characters or 26 hexadecimal characters
("0-9", "A-F").
You must configure all four keys, but only one key can be activated at any one time. The
default key is key 1.
TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) utilizes a stronger encryption
method and incorporates Message Integrity Code (MIC) to provide protection against
Pre-Shared key:
The key for
network authentication. The input format is in character
style and key size should be in the range between 8 and 64 characters.
4.3 Advanced Setup
4.3.1 Firewall
Your router includes a firewall for controlling Internet access from your LAN and helping to
prevent attacks from hackers. In addition to this, when using NAT (Network Address
Translation) the router acts as a “natural” Internet firewall, since all PCs on your LAN use
private IP addresses that cannot be directly accessed from the Internet.