Introducing NetDisk/USB2.0 Enclosure
Thank you for choosing the HEXD3UTX aluminum NetDisk/USB2.0
3.5" IDE Hard Drive Enclosure. HEXD3UTX is a high performance net-
work storage device, which can connect directly to wired or wireless
Ethernet network switch or router, and share with multiple users at office or
home. It can also connect with a computer through USB connection and
work as a portable external Hard Drive.
NDAS, a technology developed by XIMETA, Inc, stands for network direct
attached storage. NDAS is a better alternative to NAS(network attached
storage) or SAN(storage area network) in SOHO environment. NetDisk is
much more cost-effective, efficient and easy to use. It is for users looking for
lower costs and storage associated with backup/ archiving.
HEXD3UTX NetDisk utilizes NDAS technology - allowing it to connect the
hard disk directly to a network without a server. NetDisk can be used with a
variety of applications.
Multimedia central storage device (MP3s, Digital Photos, Digital Video).
Use as storage for Personal Computer and Home Networking (storing
and sharing files, backup / archiving, etc.)
Expanding storage requirements.
Business cost-effective, secondary network storage.
Public institution’s storage for data archives, disclosed data, backups,
and data conservation.
Multi-platform networking (Simultaneous use from Macintosh and
Before you begin using the HEXD3UTX, be sure to read this manual
in its entirety.
*NDAS and NetDisk are trademarks for XIMETA, Inc.