How the Alignment System Works
The setup and use of an L-700 is quite easy and begins by following Lathe9's on-screen instructions to enter the
dimensions, number of points, and tolerances. Next the laser is "qualified" or made co-linear (parallel and coincident), to
the axis of rotation (AOR) of the spindle. Then Lathe9 measures the lathe bed for parallelism to the spindle's AOR. If out
of tolerance, Lathe9 offers a live alignment screen to align the headstock to the lathe bed.
Once the spindle is aligned to the lathe bed, Lathe9 measures the headstock spindle alignment to the tailstock or
subspindle following an easy 3 step process. If out of tolerance, Lathe9 offers a live 4-axis alignment screen to align the
spindles horizontal and vertical centers (offsets) and horizontal and vertical angles. After aligning the tailstock, Lathe9
offers a printed report showing the lathe bed straightness, spindle parallelism to the bed and the headstock-tailstock
Lathe Spindle Alignment Procedure Using Lathe9 Software
Step 1 - Setup
Enter the number of points
to measure on the bed, the
distance between points,
the headstock and tail-
stock dimensions, and the
alignment tolerances. Also
select which side of the
machine the laser is
mounted in.