15. System settings
You can modify all settings and access important
information about the radio in the System settings.
15.1 Equaliser
The equaliser allows you to adjust the sound of the radio
to suit your preferences by amplifying or reducing the
amount of bass or treble in the audio . You can choose
from preconfigured profiles, adjusted to suit a variety of
music Genres, or create your own custom profile.
To set the Equaliser, proceed as follows:
System settings
15.2 Network
15.2.1 Network wizard – Configuration of internet
connection / Automatic search
network wizard
supports you to set up a
connection between the radio and internet. Hereby
you can choose between a wired LAN connection
and a wireless connection using WLAN/Wi-Fi. More
methods of configuration and detailed information
are amplified subsequently.
You can start the Network wizard as follows:
System settings
Network wizard
When the wizard is started, the radio searches for WLAN
(WiFi) connections and then shows a list of the available
At the bottom of the list are options to restart the search
]), select a wired connection ([
]) or
configure the connection manually ([
Manual config.
If your network is not found or the SSID (Service Set
Identification, that is, the name of your network) is not
shown, the network may be hidden or out of range. In
this case, try manual configuration or connecting by