6.1.3 Powering the Incubator via
an External 12V DC Source/Battery
• The incubator can also be powered via
external supplies such as a vehicle/
motorcycle battery or via the cigarette
lighter socket of a vehicle
• Suitable cables/connectors are supplied in
the kit for this purpose
6.2 Accessing lower kit items
during incubation
Should it be necessary to gain access to
kit items in the lower base foam during an
incubation cycle then follow these steps:-
1. Ensure the
incubator is
connected to
the 12V battery
inside the case.
2. Ensure that a reliable 12V power supply
is available from either the Power Supply
Unit, Car Charger Cable or independent
Battery Lead.
3. Remove DC cable from the left-hand side
of the incubator.
4. Plug in either the Power Supply Unit, Car
Charger cable or independent Battery
Lead to provide 12V DC power.
5. Unplug battery plug from right hand side
of incubator
6. Lift incubator out of the case and place
on a flat surface to the side
7. Unplug the DC cable from the inside rear
of the case
Incubation and Incubator Operation