Table of Contents
Getting to Know Your Pressure Controller
The Pressure Controller Display
Connecting Your Pressure Controller
Gauge and Absolute Pressure Control
Remote-Sensing Pressure Control
Dual-Valve Integrated Vacuum Controllers (IVCD)
Using Alicat Pressure Instruments with Liquids
Taring Your Pressure Controller
Adjusting Setpoint with an IPC
Changing Between Setpoint Sources
Managing Setpoint with an Idle Modbus Connection
Changing the Controlled Variable
Adjusting the PD/PDF or PD²I Control Algorithms
Tuning the PD/PDF Control Algorithm
Tuning the PD²I Control Algorithm
Troubleshooting Valve Performance with PID Tuning
Using a Control Deadband for Pressure Control
Displaying Valve Drive Percentage
Configuring Serial Communications
Sending Setpoints as Floating Point Numbers
Locking Industrial Connector Pinout