background image

The Model S-20R Receiver draws 65 watts of power from the source.

The Hallicrafters Co. reserves the right to make changes in design or to add improvements to in-

struments of their manufacture without incurring any obligation to install the same in any instru-ment

previously purchased.



Have the controls set as follows:

A.F. and R.F. GAIN controls set for maximum volume.

B.F.O. switch set at OFF.

Set BAND SWITCH to #2 band.

Set main dial at 2 megacycles and band spread dial at zero.


Remove 6K8 grid cap and connect the hot lead of your 455 KC generator to this tube. Connect the

ground terminal of the signal generator to the chassis of the receiver. Now feed a 455 KC signal

into the receiver. Adjust all I.F. transformer trimmers for maximum gain (Transformers TI, T2 and



Re-connect the grid cap to the 6K8 tube. Connect the hot lead of the generator to antenna terminal

A1 on the rear of the chassis through a 400 ohm resistor. Be sure a jumper is connected between

terminals A2 and G. Leave signal generator ground connected to the chassis of the receiver.

The location of  the following trimmers and padders can be determined by referring to the top and

bottom chassis views. All pad adjustments are for the low frequency end of each band while the

trimmers are for the high frequency ends.

In order to get at the RF trimmers the guarantee card can be removed by placing a knife under the

small snap fasteners holding it in place. So that most satisfactory adjustment of the trimmers and

padders can be made, it is advisable to "rock" the condenser gang across the signal being delivered

by the generator until that particular circuit has been accurately peaked at all frequencies except

1400 KC and 4 MC.


Trim at

Pad at


    1400 KC

Adjust CA CB CC

600 KC

Adjust Pad Band 1


4 MC

Adjust CD CE CF

2 MC

Adjust Pad Band 2 (Top Chassis )


14 MC

Adjust CG CH CI

 7 MC

Adjust Pad Band 3


 34 MC

Adjust CJ CK CL

 17 MC

No pad adjustment on this Band


This receiver is guaranteed to be free from any defect

in  workmanship and material that may develop within
&period of ninety (90) days from date of purchase, under
the terms of the standard guarantee, as designated by the
Radio Manufacturers Association. Any part or parts that
prove defective within this period will be replaced with-
out charge when subjected to examination at our factory,
providing such defect, in our opinion, is due to faulty
material or workmanship, and not caused by tampering,
abuse or normal wear. All such adjustments to be made
F.O.B. the factory.

Should  this  receiver  require  any  adjustments, your

dealer or distributor has complete technical service in-

formation, or the factory will be glad to assist you in any
problem direct.

Should it be necessary to return any part or parts to

the factory, a  "Return Material Permit" must be ob-
tained in advance by first writing the Adjustment De-
partment, who will issue due authorization under the
terms of the guarantee.

The Hallicrafters Co. reserves the right to make

changes in design or add improvements to instruments
manufactured by them,  without incurring any oblige-
tion to install the same in any instrument previously

All Hallicrafters receivers are built under patents of

Radio Corporation of America and Hazeltine Corporation.
