: Operation
Hale FoamMaster systems consist of individual subsystems working together to provide
finished foam solution at the proper percentage.
The entire system is designed using modular components making troubleshooting and
repair easier. Each subsystem has its own set of troubleshooting procedures. The
procedures that follow will provide a logical flow path to isolate and correct any system
Hale FoamMaster system electronic components have no user serviceable
components and are replaced as a unit. Opening of Hale FoamMaster electronic
components will void the manufacturer warranty.
The first step in troubleshooting the Hale FoamMaster system is to determine which
subsystem caused the overall system failure. To make this determination operate the
apparatus and Hale FoamMaster system in accordance with standard operating
procedures noting where problems occur.
Refer to the following to isolate the cause of Hale FoamMaster system failure.
Following are the basic steps to follow to isolate system problems. They are presented in
block format in chart 4-1.
1. Setup apparatus for normal operation.
2. Power-up apparatus and energize the pump operator panel. Take notice of the Hale
FoamMaster Control unit. If the display is NOT illuminated proceed to the power supply
troubleshooting chart 4-2.
3. If the Hale FoamMaster control unit is illuminated engage apparatus water pump and
establish discharge. If water flow CANNOT be established, troubleshoot the water
pump system in accordance with pump troubleshooting procedures.
4. If there is no indication of water flow on control unit display troubleshoot flowsensor
using procedures outlined in chart 4-3.
5. If water flow can be established turn Hale FoamMaster system ON to flow foam.
Observe foam pump discharge, if foam is NOT flowing refer to foam pump
troubleshooting chart 4-4.
6. Check accuracy of system using calibration procedures in Section
of this manual
making adjustments as required.