dm88 Specifications
Power output into 4 ohms resistive > 500 W.
Power output into 8 ohms resistive > 270 W.
(Footnote 1)
At full power output, all harmonic distortion
THD <-126 dB (<500 parts per billion) up to
20 kHz (100 kHz B.W.) at 500 W into 4 ohms.
THD @ 1 kHz <-140 dB (<100 parts per billion).
For sum of 19 and 20
kHz tones, each
delivering 100 W into 4 ohms = peak power
500W, intermodulation products each
<-126 dB relative to output.
SMPTE-IM intermodulation products each
<-126 dB relative to output.
There are four input modes:
an unbalanced voltage mode input with
an impedance of 100 kohms
a balanced voltage mode input with an
impedance of 100 kohms + 100 kohms
a current-mode input with a 60 ohm input
impedance to minimize cable reflections
(to be fed from an infinite impedance
current source)
a minimal path voltage mode with an
input impedance of 660 ohms
The voltage gain of the balanced and
unbalanced inputs is 60 V/V and 30 V/V for
the minimal path mode. The gain of the
current mode is 9 V/mA.
The equivalent input noise at the input is
nV/sqrt(Hz) for the voltage modes and
6 pA/sqrt(Hz) for the current mode.
Slew rate limit
Maximum slew rate for both small signal and
maximum output voltage is 100V/
s (which is
equivalent to a maximum output voltage at
approximately 250 kHz).
Power supply
(Footnote 2)
active power factor correction minimizes
mains current harmonic distortion
operates at all voltages from 85 to 270 V
r.m.s. 45-65 Hz, without any internal or
external switches
less than 100 parts per million mains hum
and ripple on the amplifier power rails
conforms with PFC and EU emission
standards set for 2002