Dear customer,
We are certain that the excellent quali-
ties of the device will justify the faith you
have shown in us by your purchase.
To guarantee you safe working with the
device, please read the Safety instruc-
tions chapter before putting it into ser-
Your own safety, as well as the safety of
others, depends essentially on your
ability to control the device.
This assembly manual may be used
only in conjunction with the machine's
original operating manual.
The assembly manual contains all im-
portant information for operation, main-
tenance and care. The installation
procedures described in this assembly
manual may only be undertaken by a
Hako service centre or a workshop au-
thorised by Hako. Members of staff with
the required level of training and exper-
tise are only guaranteed in the said
We would expressly advise you that no
legal claims may be asserted based on
the contents of this manual. In the case
of necessary repair work, please make
sure that only original spare parts are
used. Only original spare parts guaran-
tee constant and reliable operational
readiness of the device. We reserve the
right to make changes in the interests of
further technical development.
Valid as from: January 2015
Hako GmbH
23843 Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Hamburger Str. 209-239
Phone +49 4531 806-0
Notes on warranty
The terms defined in the purchase
agreement apply. Claims for compen-
sation in relation to damage are exclud-
ed from the terms of the warranty when
the damage is the result of the failure to
observe rules concerning servicing and
maintenance. Maintenance work must
be carried out by an authorised Hako
service centre and confirmed in the
“Maintenance Report”, which serves as
a warranty logbook.
The following are excluded from the
terms of warranty: wear and tear
through overuse, defective fuses, im-
proper handling and use and unauthor-
ised modifications. Claims under the
terms of the warranty are also annulled
when damage occurs to the machine
resulting from the use of parts or acces-
sories not explicitly approved of by us or
from failure to observe maintenance