As I mentioned previously, it is rare that you would change a parameter and if you do, even more rare
that you would change it again. Adjusting the operating temperature is the most common adjustment
you would make. Section 5. OPERATION describes changing the set temperature, starting on page 5. You
would use this procedure in both/either Normal Mode or Preset Mode. If you are in preset mode,
changing the set temperature only changes the temperature on the current pre
need to go to each preset to change each temperature.
Temperature adjustment is NOT the same as changing the temperature. Think of temperature
adjustment as offsetting or calibrating the temperature. You should only use this function if you have a
soldering iron thermometer that you use to compare the actual (measured) tip temperature with the
temperature display of the station. This function allows you to offset/cal
for any difference between measured and displayed temperature. The FX
at the factory and will not need additional adjustment unless you change the heating element. If you
were to measure the tip temperature and found a difference greater than 27ºF I would first recommend
changing the tip before making a temperature adjustment.
As I mentioned previously, it is rare that you would change a parameter and if you do, even more rare
that you would change it again. Adjusting the operating temperature is the most common adjustment
Section 5. OPERATION describes changing the set temperature, starting on page 5. You
would use this procedure in both/either Normal Mode or Preset Mode. If you are in preset mode,
changing the set temperature only changes the temperature on the current preset “channel.”
need to go to each preset to change each temperature.
Temperature adjustment is NOT the same as changing the temperature. Think of temperature
ing or calibrating the temperature. You should only use this function if you have a
soldering iron thermometer that you use to compare the actual (measured) tip temperature with the
temperature display of the station. This function allows you to offset/calibrate the station to make up
for any difference between measured and displayed temperature. The FX-888D is adjusted for accuracy
at the factory and will not need additional adjustment unless you change the heating element. If you
emperature and found a difference greater than 27ºF I would first recommend
changing the tip before making a temperature adjustment.
As I mentioned previously, it is rare that you would change a parameter and if you do, even more rare
that you would change it again. Adjusting the operating temperature is the most common adjustment
Section 5. OPERATION describes changing the set temperature, starting on page 5. You
would use this procedure in both/either Normal Mode or Preset Mode. If you are in preset mode,
set “channel.” You would
Temperature adjustment is NOT the same as changing the temperature. Think of temperature
ing or calibrating the temperature. You should only use this function if you have a
soldering iron thermometer that you use to compare the actual (measured) tip temperature with the
ibrate the station to make up
888D is adjusted for accuracy
at the factory and will not need additional adjustment unless you change the heating element. If you
emperature and found a difference greater than 27ºF I would first recommend