Haiwell PLC - Analog Module Application Case
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Analog Module Application Case
Expand module through the host PLC parallel port
1.1. Module power supply
Analog module can be the expansion module for any host PLC; When the module is directly hung behind the host PLC by
parallel bus, no need to take external power supply, the module is powered by host PLC’ parallel port, if the power supply of
module is insufficient (the PWR power indicator does not light), then according to different models, the module can be powered
by 24VDC or 220VAC. When the module is extended through the parallel port, it is recommended to use 24VDC module.
Module power supply example:
When the host PLC can be expanded to 7 modules, the PWR indicators of frist five modules are long bright, indicating the
modules power supply are normal, and if the PWR indicators of the 6th and 7th modules are not light, appearing
insufficient power supply, as long as the 6th and 7th modules are taken external power supply.
When the host PLC with 1 expansion module, because the host PLC provides power supply through the parallel port, the
PWR indicator of modue will light; If the module is added external power supply, it can still work, this time the module will
automatically determine and give priority to external power supply.
1.2. The analog need't be written any conversion program, read the analog register value directly.
For example, the host PLC T16S2T, respectively, is expanded with three modules of S04AI, S04AO and S08XA through the
parallel port from left to right, assuming the scene:
Analog module S04AI input channel 1, signal type is 4-20mA, used to measure the pressure, the pressure range of
Analog module S04AO input channel 1, signal type is 0-10V, used to control the inverter frequency of 0.0~50.0Hz;
First enter the PLC programming software menu bar - view - hardware configuration, in accordance with the external order of
actual modules to add the module models, after added, the analog address will be automatically arranged, as shown below:
Haiwell analog module need't be written any conversion program, as for above pressure measurement, we only need to check
the use of engineering value, set the lower limit value of 0 corresponding 0.0Mpa, set the upper limit value of 3000 indicating
3.000Mpa, the upper limit value 3000 hidden three decimal places can achieve magnification times and improve accuracy.
Then we read the value of the analog input register AI0, if AI0 = 1234, then the actual value is 1.234Mpa.