Measuring device
Order h49 7144.907-333
8.6 Converting the TEST module
Conversion of the respective TEST module to two measur-
ing points is described in the following.
If the TEST module needs to be converted to a different size
or back to several measuring points again, all measuring
pins must be removed and then reattached as described be-
low. The tightening torque of 0.8 Nm for the measuring pin
fastening screw must be observed.
For size 32, make sure that the correct measuring pins [not
the flat measuring pins] are used for three-point clamping.
After the TEST module has been converted, the
measuring pins that belong to each other must always
be mounted at each required measuring point.
8.6.1 TEST module for external clamping device size 65 and size 65-30
Torx wrench
Measuring pin
B1 Measuring pin fastening screw
Attachment point of two clamping points