Quick change-over system centroteX S
Order h49 7144.907-333
2.7 Screws
Serious injuries caused by radially installed
screws being ejected centrifugally if installed in-
correctly / poor handling!
Do not open the screws secured with sealing lac-
Screws and threaded pins fitted radially to the
product that were bonded with adhesive need to
be secured again using a standard, medium-
strength screw adhesive and tightened to the
specified tightening torque [see nomenclature or
the »Screw tightening torques« chapter]. Before
reinstallation, clean and degrease the screw and
internal thread.
Radially mounted screws and threaded pins that
were not bonded with sealing lacquer or an adhe-
sive need to tightened back down to the specified
tightening torque [see nomenclature or the
»Screw tightening torques« chapter].
If in doubt, contact the manufacturer immediately
to determine how best to proceed.
2.8 Functionality
Serious injuries caused by severe contamination
of the product!
Always comply with the cleaning instructions and
intervals [see »Cleaning« chapter].
2.9 Environmental protection
Substantial damage to the environment can result
from non-compliant handling or incorrect dis-
posal of environmentally hazardous substances!
If environmentally hazardous substances enter
the environment accidentally, take immediate re-
medial action.
If in doubt, notify the relevant municipal authori-
ties about the incident.
The following environmentally hazardous substances are
Lubricants, auxiliary materials and operating fluids
Lubricants such as grease and oil can contain toxic sub-
stances. These must not enter the environment.