origin subject.
-Reply All without content:
select to reply Email to all recipients, and the subject will be “Re:”
and plus the origin subject, and the Email will not contain the content that the sender sent.
sent the current Email to others.
-Mark as unread:
Mark the Email as unread.
-Mark as deleted:
Mark the Email as deleted.
delete the current Email. Outbox Outbox
Access this menu to view the sent Email. Choose the outbox and enter it to read the
uncompleted Email.
Press “Options”in viewing Email screen to do the following functions
Press “Options”in viewing Email screen to view, send, send and save, edit, move to drafts,
marked as deleted, Deleted. Sent Sent
Access this menu to view the sent Email. Choose the sent and enter it to read the completed
Press “OK”in view Email screen to do the following functions.