HAIER APPLIANC ES (INDIA) PVT.LTD. (here-in- after referred to as “the company”) hereby offers the
following warranty to the origin al domestics purchaser commencin g from the date of purchase. The
company, at its sole discretion , will free of charge repair or replace any defective part or parts which prove
to be defec tiv e in workmanship and/or materials and not due to abnormal or improper usage.
1) This warranty will automatically terminate on the expire
of the warranty period from the date o f delivery.
2) The company is not liable any dely in servicing due to
reasons bey ond the control of the company or any of its authorised service centers
3) Parts re place d or repaired under this warrant y are warranted through out the remai ning o f
the original warranty period.
4) It is entirely left to the company’s discretion to re pair/replace p arts at the site of
install ation or at the authorised service center.
5) This warranty shall be strictly limited to the repairs or re place ment of defective parts
s pecified in the warranty. This warranty shall not cover any consequent ial of resulting
6) This warranty shall not, in any case, extend towards payments of any mone tary
consideration whatsoever or replacement or return of the produ ct.
7) The company may repair/supply part s free of cost during the warranty period. This
warranty doe s not cover any ex cise duty, c entral or sales tax, Octroi and other local t axes
or levies on the components/parts.
8) The parts shall be replaced by f unctionally operating equivalent material only and not on
brand n ew ones and are t o be different f rom the one originally fitted. the parts thus
remove d sh all be taken back by the c ompany.
9) The company reserves t he right to retain any part or component replaced at its sole
discretion d uring the warranty period.
10) In no event t he company or its authorised service center be liable for any c onsequential
damages or resulti ng liability, damag e or loss arising directly or indirectly out of any
defect in the produ ct.
11) This warranty is not v alid in case of the following events:
a) If the products has been Installed/serviced/Repaired/Opened or tempered by any un
authorised p ersonnel.
b) If defects arise/caused by accidents, alterati on, mi suse, neglect , subs titution of
original componen ts with spurious/non-genuine co mponents, attacked by household
pest/ ro dents, fire, f lood, earthquake, lightning and/or any other act o f God/natural
cal amities.
c ) The produ ct shifted outside India.
12) For any servic e under this warranty beyond c ity/town/muncipal limits from the company
/authorised service c enter, a fixed charge o f Rs.50 will be collected from the customer in
addition to the actual to a nd fro charges by the shortest rout.
Demo for Direct Cool refrigerators will be on chargeable basis by the company, howev er
the call center can provide support over telephone.
13) Any charge of location or change in the ownership during the warranty period must be
int imated in writing to Company.
14) The Company ’s employees or its authorised represent atives have no authority to very
the terms of warranty.
15) This warranty is effected in New Delhi and claims, if any, shall be made only b efore the
courts jurisdiction in New Delhi and no claims shall be made ag ainst the company out sid e
New Delhi not with standing that the Appliances may have been sold or delivered elsewhere.
Customer Name:.................................Address:......................................
Serial No:...................Date Of Purchase:.....................Model No:.............
Dealer Seal:...........................................................................................
Customer Name:.................................Address:......................................
Serial No:...................Date Of Purchase:.....................Model No:.............
Dealer Seal:...........................................................................................
Building -1, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III,
New Delhi -110020
Comprehensive : 12 Months
Compressor: 48 Months
Plastic, Glassware
& Bulb
P roduct
Warran ty
Pe riod P a rts
Not Covered