Optional Plumbing Procedures, Cont.
Plastic (PVC/CPVC) Pipe Joining Procedure
To ensure reliable joint integrity when using solvent cement for PVC/CPVC plumbing, follow these
—The pipe must be cut square to allow for the proper interfacing of the pipe end and the fitting
socket bottom. Use a wheel cutter, miter saw, or a ratchet shear for best results.
Deburring and Beveling
—Use a knife, plastic pipe deburring tool, or a file to remove burrs from the
end of the pipe. Be sure to remove all burrs from the inside as well as the outside of the pipe. All pipe
ends should be beveled to permit easier insertion of the pipe into the fitting. Failure to bevel the pipe
end may cause a “wiping” effect in the fitting where the cement is forced to the end of the fitting socket.
This creates a weak joint.
Test Dry Fit of the Joint
—Tapered fitting sockets are designed so that an interference fit should occur
when the pipe is inserted about one-third to two-thirds of the way into the socket. Occasionally, when
pipe and fitting dimensions are at the tolerance extremes, it will be possible to fully insert dry pipe to the
bottom of the fitting socket. When this happens, a sufficient quantity of cement must be applied to the
joint to fill the gap between the pipe and fitting.
Inspection, Cleaning, and Priming
—Inspect the inside of the pipe and fitting sockets and remove dirt,
grease, or moisture with a clean dry cloth. If wiping fails to clean the surfaces, use a chemical cleaner.
Check for possible damage such as splits or cracks and replace if necessary. Use purple primer to
penetrate and soften the bonding surfaces of the PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings. Proceed without
hesitation to the cementing procedure while the primed surfaces are still wet.
Application of Solvent Cement
—Apply the solvent cement evenly and quickly around the outside of
the pipe while the primer is still wet. Apply a light coat of cement evenly around the inside of the fitting
socket. Do not allow excess cement to “puddle” in the fitting. Apply a second coat of cement to the pipe
Joint Assembly
—Working quickly, insert the pipe into the fitting socket and give a 1/4-turn of the pipe
or fitting while pushing toward the fitting stop. This action will evenly distribute the cement. Do NOT
continue to rotate the pipe or fitting after the stop has been reached. Hold the joint tightly together for
about 15 seconds to prevent the pipe from “creeping” out of the fitting. A good joint will have sufficient
cement to make a small bead all the way around the outside of the fitting hub. The joint should not be
disturbed immediately after the cementing procedure. Allow adequate time for the joint to cure properly.
Exact drying time is hard to predict because of environmental variables. Follow the recommended joint
curing times on the primer and cement container labels.
Owner’s Manual