Vertex III and Transponder T3 manual v.1.5 eng
© 2007 Haglöf Sweden AB
Data Format
Data from the Vertex III is sent serially as text acc. to below:
The data packet contains a total of 40 signs.
1 0000 [LF][EOL]
2 0000 [LF][EOL]
3 0000 [LF][EOL]
4 0000 [LF][EOL]
5 +000 [LF][EOL]
(Negative angle replaces ‘+’with ‘-‘)
LF=Linefeed (ASCII 13)
EOL=End of line (ASCII 10)
Height Measuring
Line 1:
1st height (dm alt. feet X 10)
Line 2:
2nd height (dm alt. feet X 10)
Line 3:
3rd height (dm alt. feet X 10)
Line 4:
Horizontal distance to the object (dm x 10 alt. ft X10)
Line 5:
Angle to the object (centesimal gradients X10 )
Distance Measuring
Line 1:
Distance to transponder (cm alt feet X 10)
Line 2:
Line 3:
Line 4:
Line 5:
Angle to the object (centesimal degree X10)
*If the angle (line 5) has a larger or smaller value than zero (0) the
distance will be the calculated horizontal distance.