The Answering Machine
Searching for new messages
OK Key
to activate play back
The received messages are then
played back in order. The order num-
ber and current time (received today)
or date (received on previous days) of
their arrival is displayed (see 5.10 "Set-
ting Date and Time"
Interrupt messages by pressing the
If the
key is pressed within 25
seconds, the interrupted message is
re-started. Wait more than 25 seconds
and the whole process s cancelled and
the Handset returns to stand-by mode
By pressing the
key the current
message being replayed is cancelled
and you jump to the next message. At
the end of every playback there is a
short acknowledgement tone.
After the last message there are two
acknowledgement tones and there is
then the option to delete all played
messages at once. To delete press the
OK key
. If you want to store the mes-
sages end the procedure with
or by pressing
ON/OFF key
Searching through all messages
(including old ones: LED flashes slowly)
Alternatively you have the option of
choosing from the playback menu.
After reaching menu branch answe-
ring machine functions
time display/message from the same day
date display/older message