Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
Figure 1.12 preset related operations
Add preset:
the preset number range from 1 to 255, first turn lens and enter preset
number, click the button of “+”, then add preset successfully. The preset number from
1 to 64 can be deleted or called, 65 to 255 can not be deleted but can be called by
manually entering.
Delete preset:
select a preset number to be deleted from the option box and click “-”
Call preset:
select a preset number from the option box and click “
” then the lens
will turn to the preset point location.
Figure 1.13 PTZ advanced function
Advanced Function:
Includes “Black/White”, ”Color”, ”Mirror Off/On”, “Freeze
Off/On”, “Steps Off /On”, “Screen Off/On”, “Lumen Off/On”, “ILL Off/On”,
“Camera Reset/Switch”, “B/W Auto”, “WB R/G/B/M”, “Initial Set”, “Menu”, “Track
Off/On”, “Path On/Off” and so on.
For example, for “Black/White” and “Color”: we can see the preset number of
“Black/White” and “Color” is 64, but “Black/White” is “Set preset” and “Color” is
“Call preset”. The work of the advanced function is “set preset” and “call preset”. So
select “Black/White”, it will play in black/white mode, while select “Color” it will
play in color mode.
All the functions are same with them, but different camera with difference, please
refer to the corresponding user manual of camera.
when turns, the speed ranges from 0 to 10, Data larger and speed faster. It
should be noticed that if you change interface or login out, the modified speed will not
Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
In the main interface click the button of “Config”, will come out the dialog of
“Remote Config”. Then you can configure the parameter of Network, Media, PTZ,
Storage, Alarm, system and so on.
2 Network
2.1 Network Status
Click [Network]-[Network Status], it will display interface as figure 2.1. In this
interface you can view the information such as MAC Address, IP type, IP address,
Gateway, Net Mask and DNS and so on. The detail information please refers to the
actual configuration.
Figure 2.1 Network status
When enable WIFI, this interface will show the connection status of it.
2.2 Ethernet Setup
[Ethernet Setup] is to set network parameter of this device. The setup parameter will
show in the interface of [Network Status].
MAC Address is hardware address of device. If not must please don’t change. You
can only save the legitimate and correct MAC address.
When you access the device you need use its IP address. Here, you can enter a new
address to change it. Also, you can modify the IP address by IP search software or
other tools. Make sure the IP address of device and IP address of your PC are in the
same network segment, but not the same. After reset IP address the device will reboot,
then use the new IP address to access the T38R/R2 device.
Net mask matches with IP address to distinguish network address and local address,
usually set it as The correct net mask is the premise for saving it.
Gate way is point between two networks such as router. So you can enter the router IP