Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
3 Media
3.1 Video Capture
Video Capture includes two sides: IRCUT setting and video Capture Setup.
IRCUT has five work modes: active mode, day and night, passive, manual and inverse
The working principle of active mode is that it use module to set control signal to
control light board, according light intensity auto switch color and black/white mode;
day and night mode is by setting night start time and night end time, after enabled,
during the time video always in black/white mode; passive mode use level control
signal that send from light board to control the switch of module IRCUT; manual
mode is to switch day or night mode manual. The principle of inverse passive is the
same with passive, but has opposite result.
The function of “Keep color” means even if in black/night mode the video also
colorful. “Sensitivity” is only function in active mode.
Figure 3.1 IRCUT setting
Video capture setup include “Brightness”, “Saturation”, “Sharpness” , “Contrast”,
“Backlight Control” and so on , different country with different “Video Format”, in
China just PAL format.
Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
Figure 3.2 Video Capture Setup
You can enter number to set the parameter of “Brightness”, “Saturation”, “Sharpness”,
“Contrast” and “Backlight Control”; also click “default” is a good method. High
“Saturation” means color is more obvious; High “Contrast” means the effect is more
obvious. All the parameters must according to the physical environment.
3.2 Time and Title Setup
As we know, time and title are displayed in the video window. When disable it, the
OSD information will be hidden.
Overlap information is to set if display the resolution or bit rate information or not.
There are four options: “Disable” means don’t display, “Resolution” means display
the resolution information only, “Bit rate” means display the bit rate information only,
“Resolution and Bit rate” means both display. You can set by yourself.
There are 8 time format, you can choose under preference.
There are 4 time/title positions, time and title display position to be in a different
horizontal position.
The max length of the title message is 31 byte. Do not forget to save it!
Figure 3.3 time and title
3.3 Video Encode
Video encode includes two sides: Video Encode Parameter Setup and Video Encode
Advanced Parameter Setup.
Video has two streams, one is main stream another is sub stream, the encode format of
both are H.264.
Main stream of T38R/R2 has three resolution, they are 720P, D1, VGA. The default
value is 720P. Users could set it as their demand. Sub stream has ten resolutions to set.
To get better video in different network bandwidth environment, we use bit rate
control method. When the information of the video increase imminently but the
bandwidth is limited, you can choose variable bit rate (called VBR for short) to ensure