Take off /
If you have access to a hard landing strip, a ground take-off is always the safest option.
Wenn Sie direkt von einer glatten Fläche (z.B. Landebahn eines Modellflugplatzes) starten
können, ist der Bodenstart die beste Option.
Please don’t try unpowered test-glides with this model – the result is invariably a damaged
airframe. The venus should be hand-launched with the motor running at half-throttle, and
always pointing directly into wind. Ask an experienced modeller to hand-launch your aircraft
for you. The launcher should run forward for two or three paces, then give the machine a
powerful straight launch, with the wings and fuselage level.
Use the controls to hold the model in a steady, gentle climb - remember to keep the rate of
ascent shallow and the airspeed high!
Allow the aeroplane to climb to a safe height, then adjust the trims on the transmitter until it
flies in a perfectly straight line “hands off”. While the model is still at a safe altitude, throttle
back and try out the controls on the glide. Carry out a “dry run” landing approach at a safe
height so that you are prepared for the real landing when the battery runs flat.
Don’t try any tight turns at first, and especially not on the landing approach at low altitude. It is
always better to land safely at some distance from you, than to force the model back to your
feet and risk a heavy landing.
Versuchen Sie nicht, das Modell ohne einen Motortestlauf zu starten. Die Venus sollte mit
~Halbgas gegen den Wind gestartet werden. Für die ersten Handstarts ist ein erfahrener
Helfer eine gute Hilfe. Der Werfer sollte zwei oder drei Schritte nach vorne laufen und die
Tragfläche und den Rumpf horizontal halten und das Flugzeug mit einem leichten Schwung
nach vorne freigeben.
Mit kleinen Steuerausschlägen wird das Modell auf eine sichere Höhe gebracht und der Pilot
Fluggeschwindigkeit durch um sich an das Modell zu gewöhnen.
Warranty information:
Hacker warrants this kit to be free from defects in terms of material and assembly at the date of
purchase. This warranty does not cover damage that has occurred due to modification or
misuse and in no case will it exceed the material cost of this kit. Hacker preserves its right to
change the terms of warranty without further notice.
Hacker will not be liable for any damage that stands in any context with the use of this model,
as Hacker cannot control the assembly and its used components.
Should you not accept this term of liability, please return this kit to your retailer.