Class 1 laser product
This instrument is classified as a Class 1 laser product. This product complies with IEC/EN
60825-1:2007 and 21 CFR 1040.10 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated
June 24, 2007.
US FDA Laser Accession number 9320350-008. This product contains a 780 nm 5 mW class 3B
laser that is not user-serviceable.
Product overview
This instrument is used to validate the cleanliness level and particulate count in oil. The data can be
viewed on the instrument display or a computer. The software shows the current data or previously
saved data in a graph format. A diagnostic screen is available for troubleshooting.
Figure 1
shows a
system overview that includes the instrument, a power supply and a computer.
Figure 1 System overview - basic wiring
Product components
Make sure that all components have been received. Refer to
Figure 2
. If any items are missing or
damaged, contact the manufacturer or a sales representative immediately.
Figure 2 Instrument and utility software disc