commands individually. However, you can use the
command in any view to display or save the operational statistics of
multiple feature modules of the device. This command displays the output of the
display clock
display version
display device
, and
display current-configuration
Save the operational statistics for each feature module of the device:
<H3C> display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:y
Please input the file name(*.tar.gz)[flash:/diag_H3C_20220713-024922.tar.gz]:
Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag_H3C_20220713-024922.tar.gz.
Please wait...
Save successfully.
To view the contents of the
file, execute the
more default.diag
command in user view, and then press the
Page Up
Page Down
Display the operational statistics for each feature module of the device. (Details not shown.)
<H3C> display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:n
===============display clock===============
01:40:29 UTC Sat 03/11/2023
===============display version===============
H3C Comware Software, Version 7.1.064, Alpha 5611
Copyright (c) 2004-2022 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
H3C WSG1812X-PWR uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes
Last reboot reason : Power on
Boot image: flash:/boot.bin
Boot image version: 7.1.064, Alpha 5611
Compiled Jun 13 2022 15:00:00
System image: flash:/system.bin
System image version: 7.1.064, Alpha 5611
Compiled Jun 13 2022 15:00:00
with 1 ARM 2000MHz Processor
2048M bytes DDR4
3776M bytes EMMC Memory
Hardware Version is Ver.A
Displaying information about the device
Use the
display device
command to display information about the device.
<H3C> display device
Slot No. Subslot No. Board Type Status Max Ports
1 0 H3C WSG1812-PWR Normal 16