Verifying the installation
Before powering on the device, verify the following information:
There is enough space around the device for heat dissipation.
The work bench is sturdy.
The grounding cable is connected correctly.
The Ethernet cables, optical fibers, and power cord are connected correctly.
All the interface cables are cabled indoors. If any cable is routed outdoors, verify that the
network port lightning protectors for network ports and surge protected power strip have been
Powering on the device
Power on the device. The device initializes its memory and runs the BootWare. The following
information appears on the terminal screen:
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+T to xmodem download...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU...
Booting Normal Extended BootWare
The Extended BootWare is self-decompressing....Done
* *
* H3C WSG1812X-PWR BootWare, Version 1.00 *
* *
Compiled Date : Jun 6 2022
Memory Type : DDR4 SDRAM
Memory Speed : 2666MHz
Memory Size : 2048MB
CPLD Version : 1.0
PCB Version : Ver.A
flash Size : 3776MB
BootWare Validating...
Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU...
at the prompt within 4 seconds to access the Boot menu.
To access the Boot menu after the system enters the system image file reading and
self-compressing process, restart the device.
Loading the main image files...
Loading file flash:/system.bin............Done.
Loading file flash:/ap.bin..................................................
Loading file flash:/boot.bin.............Done.
Image file flash:/boot.bin is self-decompressing.......Done.