Total number of connected APs: 1
Total number of connected manual APs: 1
Total number of connected auto APs: 0
Total number of connected common APs: 1
Total number of connected WTUs: 0
Total number of inside APs: 0
Maximum supported APs: 3072
Remaining APs: 3071
Total AP licenses: 128
Remaining AP licenses: 127
AP information
State : I = Idle, J = Join, JA = JoinAck, IL = ImageLoad
C = Config, DC = DataCheck, R = Run M = Master, B = Backup
AP name AP ID State Model Serial ID
ap1 1 R/M WA6120 219801A3L58224E00031
Verifying that the AP has been connected to the network
when it operates in cloud mode
When the AP operates in cloud mode, use a wireless terminal to search for and access the wireless
service provided by the AP. If you can access external networks, the AP has been connected to the