An MVRP participant in normal registration mode performs dynamic VLAN registrations and
An MVRP participant in fixed registration mode disables deregistering dynamic VLANs and drops
received MVRP packets. The MVRP participant does not deregister or register dynamic VLANs.
An MVRP participant in forbidden registration mode disables registering dynamic VLANs and drops
received MVRP packets. The MVRP participant does not register dynamic VLANs, or re-register a
dynamic VLAN when the VLAN is deregistered.
Protocols and standards
IEEE 802.1ak
IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Virtual Bridged Local Area
Networks – Amendment 07: Multiple Registration Protocol
MVRP configuration task list
Tasks at a glance
Configuring an MVRP registration mode
Configuration restrictions and guidelines
When you configure MVRP, follow these restrictions and guidelines:
MVRP can work with STP, RSTP, or MSTP, but not other link layer topology protocols that include
service loopback, PVST, and Smart Link. Ports blocked by STP, RSTP, or MSTP can receive and send
MVRP protocol packets. For more information about STP, RSTP, MSTP, and PVST, see "
." For more information about service loopback, see "
Do not enable both MVRP and remote port mirroring on a port. Otherwise, MVRP might register the
remote probe VLAN to incorrect ports, which would cause the monitor port to receive undesired
duplicates. For more information about port mirroring, see
Network Management and Monitoring
Configuration Guide
Enabling MVRP on a Layer 2 aggregate interface enables both the aggregate interface and all
Selected member ports in the link aggregation group to participate in dynamic VLAN registration
and deregistration.
MVRP configuration made on a member port in an aggregation group takes effect only after the
port is removed from the aggregation group.