* *
* BootWare, Version 1.00 *
* *
Compiled Date : Jul 1 2010
CPU Type : XLS408
CPU L1 Cache : 32KB
CPU Clock Speed : 1000MHz
Memory Type : DDR2 SDRAM
Memory Size : 1024MB
Memory Speed : 533MHz
BootWare Size : 508KB
Flash Size : 128MB
BASIC CPLD Version : 0.0
EXTEND CPLD Version : 0.0
PCB Version : Ver.A
BootWare Validating...
Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu...
Starting to get the main application file--flash:/ S10500.bin!................
The main application file is self-decompressing.............................
System application is starting...
Starting to get the main application file--flash:/ S10500.bin!................
The main application file is self-decompressing.............................
System application is starting...
User interface aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
at the prompt. When the prompt
appears, you can configure the switch.
After powering on the switch, check the following items:
The cooling system is working, and you can hear fan rotating noise and feel air being blown out.
The system status LEDs on the MPUs show that the system is operating normally. For more
information about LED behaviors, see "
Configuring the switch
By default, the switch does not authenticate the console login user at an AUX interface. To increase
system security and enable remote management:
Configure remote access services, for example, Telnet or SSH.