Installation Manual
H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Appendix A Lightning Protection of the Switch
Tilted wire cutter
II. Installation procedure
Step 1: Tear the protection paper at one side of the double faced adhesive tape apart
from the tape, and stick the tape on the surface of the arrester. Tear the protection
paper at another side apart from the tape, and stick the arrester onto the chassis of the
switch. The arrester should be attached on the chassis as close to the grounding screw
as possible.
Step 2: According to the distance to the grounding screw of the switch, cut the ground
wire of the arrester, and securely tightening its ground wire to the grounding screw of
the switch.
Step 3: Use the multimeter to measure whether the ground wire of the arrester contacts
well with the grounding screw of chassis.
Step 4: According to the instruction of arrester for network port, connect the arrester
with switch by the cables (be carefully with the cable direction. Outdoor network cable
should be inserted into the arrester‘s IN end, and the cable connected to the switch
should be inserted into the arrester’s OUT end). When you do that, observe whether
the arrester indicators normally display.
The instruction of lightning arrester for network port contains the technical
specifications, installation and maintenance guide of the arrester. Please carefully read
it before installing the arrester.
Step 5: Use the nylon ties to bundle the cables neatly.
Network cable indoors
Power input
Network cable led into from outdoor
Lightning arrester for network port
(attached onto the chassis)
Ground wire of lightning arrester
Grounding screw of switch
Metal cabinet that contains the switch
Figure A-2
Installation diagram of lightning arrester for network port