irf member member-id
renumber new-member-id
undo irf member
The IRF member ID is 1.
System view
Predefined user roles
: Specifies the ID of an IRF member. The value range for IRF member IDs is 1 to 10.
: Assigns a new ID to the IRF member. The value range for IRF member IDs is 1 to
Usage guidelines
IRF member ID change can invalidate member ID-related settings, including interface and file path
settings, and cause data loss. Make sure you fully understand its impact on your live network.
To have the new ID take effect, you must reboot the IRF member. To cancel the member ID change
before you reboot the member device, use the
undo irf member renumber
command. In the
command, set the new member ID to be the same as the old member ID.
When adding a device into an IRF fabric, you must assign a unique IRF member ID to the device. If
its IRF member ID has been used in the IRF fabric, the device cannot join the IRF fabric.
Interchanging member IDs between IRF member devices might cause undesirable configuration
changes and data loss. For example, the IRF member IDs of Device A and Device B are 2 and 3,
respectively. After you interchange their member IDs, their port settings also interchange.
# Change the ID of an IRF member device from 1 to 2.
<Sysname> display irf
[Sysname] irf member 1 renumber 2
Renumbering the member ID may result in configuration change or loss. Continue?[Y/N]Y
# Before rebooting the device, cancel the change in the preceding example.
[Sysname] undo irf member 1 renumber
Renumbering the member ID may result in configuration change or loss. Continue?[Y/N]y
If you reboot the device after executing the
irf member 1 renumber 2
command, the device
member ID changes to 2 at system reboot. Using
undo irf member 1 renumber
cannot restore
the member ID to 1. You must use the
irf member 2 renumber 1
command to reconfigure the
member ID.
to enter IRF port view.
undo irf-port
to remove all port bindings on an IRF port.