H3C AR 46 Series Routers Installation Manual
Chapter 5 Maintaining Software
Chapter 5 Maintaining Software
5.1 Overview
The router manages three types of files:
Boot ROM image file
Application image file
Configuration file
Software maintenance mainly involves these three types of files. This chapter
discusses only the software maintenance functions listed in Boot Menu, for example
upgrading the Boot ROM and application. For information about other functions, refer
Comware V3 Operation Manual.
Upgrade software only when necessary and under the guidance of technical staff.
5.2 Maintaining Software of the RPU
5.2.1 Boot Menu
Software maintenance uses the main Boot ROM menu and the small Boot ROM menu,
for downloading and booting the application image and the main Boot ROM system
Build up a configuration environment according to the section ”Setting up a
Configuration Environment” in Chapter 4 “Starting and Configuring the Router”. Start
the router; the console screen displays:
Do you want to go on checking sdram? Yes or not(Y/N)
Enter <N>. The screen displays:
Press CTRL+A to Stop AutoBoot!
Press <Ctrl+A> within five seconds after the message “Starting...” appears. Then the
system enters the small Boot ROM menu.