DC power
Rated voltage range: –48 VDC to –60 VDC
Input voltage range: –36 VDC to –72 VDC
1.6 A3600-24-SFP EI
1.6.1 Front Panel
I. Schematic diagram
On the front panel, the A3600-24-SFP EI provides twenty-four 100Base-X SFP ports, two 1000Base-X SFP ports, two
10/100/1000Base-T auto-sensing Ethernet ports, and one Console port, as shown in Figure 1-9.
(1) 100Base-X SFP port status LEDs
(2) 1000Base-X SFP port status LEDs
(3) 10/100/1000Base-T auto-sensing Ethernet port status LEDs
(4) Console port
(5) 7-segment digital LED
(6) DC power LED
(7) AC Power LED
(8) Mode LED
(9) Mode button
Figure 1-9
Front panel of the A3600-24-SFP EI
On the front panel, the A3600-24-SFP EI provides one AC power LED, one DC power LED, one mode LED, one 7-segment
digital LED, twenty-four 100Base-X SFP port status LEDs, four 1000Base-X SFP port status LEDs, and two 10/100/1000Base-T
auto-sensing Ethernet port status LEDs. You can learn how the switch operates by observing the LEDs listed in Table 1-10.
Table 1-10
LEDs on the front panel of the A3600-24-SFP EI
AC Power LED
Solid green
The system passes the Power-On
Self-Test (POST) and is operating
Flashing green (1 Hz)
The system is going through the
POST or is downloading software.
Solid red
The POST of the system fails or a
serious fault is detected.
Flashing yellow (1 Hz)
Some ports fail to pass the POST
and some functions are disabled.
The power is disconnected.
Mode LED
Solid green
Rate information of the 10Base-
T/100Base-TX Ethernet ports and
the 1000Base-X SFP ports.