Quick Start Instructions:
Making your own pure distilled water is easy as 1, 2, 3!
Don’t let this detailed Instruction Manual discourage you. We try to
explain everything possible so there is no guess work about the best
way to set up and operate your distiller. But your distiller is actually
very easy to use.
After assembling the carafe and giving everything a quick cleaning,
here’s all you do:
#1-Fill boiling tank with water to the indented line and replace top;
#2-Position the collection carafe under the distilled water outlet;
#3-Push the On/Reset button when you are ready. That’s it!
In less time than it takes to prepare a coffee maker, you will be making
the very purest water you can drink. For more details and information
about your distiller, read this Instruction Manual to discover shortcuts to
make your water distillation experience even easier and more enjoyable.
Your distiller is designed to be durable, easy to use and give years of
service when maintained properly.
Now start making the PUREST water you’ve ever had!
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