After each refill with distilled water, the residual air must be purged from the system. To do
this, produce approximately half a tank of hydrogen and release the gas by briefly opening the
shut-off valve, and venting most of the gas. Repeat 2-3 times to ensure pure hydrogen.
When the hydrogen storage tank is filled, excess hydrogen escapes as bubbles. Gas
production must then be stopped by removing the cables of the solar modules from the
connections of the electrolyzers
The filling station is now ready for use.
During operation, small amounts of water pass through the PEM from the oxygen side to the
hydrogen side. This may cause the water level to rise on the hydrogen side and fall on the
oxygen side. check, and if necessary, adjust the water level regularly during operation, To this
end, the water on the hydrogen side mus be removed and supplied to the oxygen side. If the
water level needs to be adjusted, hydrogen production must be stopped by removing the
cables of the solar modules from the connections of the electrolyzers.
The distilled water is consumed during operation. Pay attention to the water levels and
regularly top off with a little distilled water(
<2µS/cm). The water levels in the water reservoir
and in the hydrogen storage tank should be kept approximately at the fill level marking at all
times. (For the hydrogen storage tank, this is only possible of no hydrogen is being stored.