Connect one servo to the aileron output of your receiver and one servo to the elevator
output, connect the ESC servo lead to the motor output. Now activate the ELEVON
mixer on your transmitter. Before powering up your receiver with the flight battery you
need to set the ESC. Before you do the next step it is best to remove the propeller
from the motor. Switch on the transmitter with the throttle stick in the fully closed posi-
tion and the throttle trim also fully down. Now connect your flight battery to the ESC,
you will get a rising tone, then 3 beeps (denotes a 3 cell battery is connected) then a
long beep, the ESC has now been set, carefully open the throttle and the motor will
Check now that the ELEVON mixing is working in the correct direction ie; right aileron
on the transmitter, right aileron goes up, left goes down, up elevator on the transmitter
should show both elevons going up. Use your servo reverse function to put right any-
thing that is not working in the correct direction. If you cannot get the mixing to work
correctly swap the 2 servo leads over in the receiver. Put the elevator one in the aile-
ron output and the aileron one in the elevator output, doing this should enable you to
get the mixing correct. Once you have everything working in the correct direction set
the throws as follows. A lot of modern transmitters allow you to go ± on the travel
throw which sorts this problem much easier.
Ailerons: 7-8mm up and down (exponential 20~30%).
Elevator: 10mm up and down (exponential 20~30%)
These throws and settings are just recommendations for first flights. Once you have
flown the RADJET you can tweak them to your own particular flying style.
Once all the above is done use a piece of the sticky back hook and loop tape to
secure the receiver in the fuselage tunnel behind the battery compartment. Refit the
propeller and install your flight battery moving it forward or aft to achieve the correct C
of G as shown below.