Bad wire feeding.
The wire liner is dirty or damaged.
Clean or replace.
The pin of the roller axis is missing
Reposition the pin
The brake of the reel is too tight.
Release the brake.
No current or bad welding current.
Bad connection at the mains plug.
See the plug connection and check if the plug is
properly powered.
Bad earth connection.
Check the earth cable (connection and clamp).
No power.
Check the torch trigger
The wire forms a bottleneck after the rollers.
The wire liner is crushed.
Check the liner and the torch.
The wire is blocked in the torch.
Replace or clean.
No capillary tube.
Check the presence of the capillary tube.
Wire speed is too high.
Reduce the wire speed.
The weld bead is porous.
The gas flow is insufficient.
Setting range from 15 to 20 L/min.
Clean the metal.
Gas cylinder empty.
Replace it.
Unsatisfactory gas quality.
Replace it.
Air circulation or wind influence.
Avoid air draughts, protect the welding area.
Gas nozzle is too dirty.
Clean the gas nozzle or replace it.
Bad wire quality.
Use a wire suitable for MIG/MAG welding.
Bad quality of the surface to weld (rust, etc ...)
Clean the workpiece before welding
The gas is not connected
Check that the gas is connected to the machine
Heavy arc splatter.
Arc voltage is too low or too high.
See welding settings.
Bad earth clamp connection.
Check and put the earth clamp as close as possible to
the welding zone.
Insufficient gas protection.
Adjust the gas flow.
No gas at the end of the torch
Bad gas connection.
Check the gas connections
Check that the valve is working properly
Calibration error
An error occurred during the calibration, it is cancel-
led and may be performed again.
Try a new calibration again
Error while downloading
The data on the USB stick is incorrect or corrupted.
Check your data.
Backup error
You have exceeded the maximum number of bac-
You must delete some lines.
The number of backup jobs is limited to 500.
Automatic deletion of JOBS.
Some of your JOBs has been deleted because they
were incompatible with the new synergies.
Push Pull torch detection error
Check Push Pull torch connectors
USB key error
No JOB is detected on the USB stick
The memory space in the product is full
Free some space on the USB key.
File error
The"..." file does not correspond to the synergies
downloaded into the product
The file was created with synergies which are not
present on the machine.
The battery seems to be worn out
Change the battery at the back of the HMI.
Check the electrical installation
Mains voltage out of tolerance.
Have your electrical installation checked by an autho
rised person. The voltage between the 3 phases must
be between 340 Veff and 460 Veff.
Check the electrical installation
Mains voltage out of tolerance.
Check the electrical installation
The installation has a missing or unbalanced phase
Thermal protection
- Exceeding the duty cycle.
- Blocked air inlets.
- Wait for the indicator to turn off before resuming
- Observe the operating factor and ensure good
- The use of the optional dust filter (ref. 063143)
reduces the duty cycle of the machine.
Fan failure
The fan is not running at the right speed.
Please disconnect the machine, check and restart.
Cooling unit not detected
The cooling unit is not detected.
Check the connection between the cooling unit and
the appliance.
Blocked cooling circuit
The debit is below the recommended minimum level
for water cooled torches.
Check the continuity of the circulation of the
cooling liquid in the torch.
Check the water level
The level is below the minimum
Fill the cooling unit's tank.
Thermal protection
- Exceeding the duty cycle.
- Blocked air inlets.
- Wait for the indicator to turn off before resuming
- Dust off the cooling unit by blowing air.