USB Accelerometer Model X16-1C
Figure 5: Graphical Illustration of the Dwell Feature
The “microres” option sets the device to record time stamps with 0.1ms precision. In micro-resolution
mode, the time stamps are recorded as XX.YYYYZZ where XX are seconds, YYYY are 0.1
milliseconds, and ZZ are spurious digits that should be ignored. The micro-resolution option should be
implemented at sample rates of 100 hertz or greater to provide the best timing precision. The power
saving features of the X16-1C are disabled in micro-resolution mode and battery life is shortened
The X16-1C incorporates an on/off button for initiating and terminating the data recording process.
Data recording is automatically started upon disconnect from a computer USB port if the tag word
“rebootondisconnect” is included in the configuration file. Note that the system must first be turned on
and the configuration file read before the rebootondisconnect option is implemented by the system.
Subsequent disconnects will then cause a reboot and immediate data recording.
The “rtcclcocktrim” setting adjusts the RTC oscillator frequency. Positive values increase the
oscillation period (lower frequency) and negative values decrease the oscillation period (higher
frequency). A valid setting is an integer between -127 and 128. By default, the RTC pr/-
2ppm (parts per million) precision between 0°C and 40°C. This feature should be used by advanced
users only.
January 2012 Rev New
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