Material safety data sheets (MSDS)
Safety data sheets contain safety information about the materials. They are
country-specific. Safety data sheets are issued, for example, for materials such
as oils, greases, cleaning agents, etc. The operating company is responsible for
obtaining safety data sheets for all materials used.
Safety data sheets can be obtained as follows:
• Suppliers of chemicals usually supply their substances together with safety
data sheets
• Safety data sheets are available on the Internet.
(Enter "msds" and the name of the material in a search engine. Safety infor-
mation about the material will be displayed.)
Read the safety data sheets carefully. Follow all the instructions. We recom-
mend that you store the safety data sheets for future reference.
The safety data sheet for Güdel H1 can be found in the download area of our
company Web site
OPERATING MANUAL Automatic lubrication system
FlexxPump 404DLS