NOTE: When you turn on the Wheeler, but leave it unused for 10 minutes, the device will turn itself OFF for
security reasons. If this is the case, you cannot turn the device on with the remote control and you will need
to push the ON/OFF button on the device.
Basic control principles
The Guardo Wheeler BW650 uses dynamic balance, an internal gyroscope and acceleration sensors. The
status of the Wheeler is determined by the center point of gravity and is adjusted by the engine and the
servo control system.
When you lean towards the front, the device will notice this and it will start accelerating. When you lean
back, the device notices this and will start to move backwards. When you need to turn left or right, you can
press the front of the pedal a bit more with the opposite foot, or the back of the pedal with the respective
foot. Always keep your balance so that the device can interpret your intentions properly.
Always slow down when you need to go left or right. The stability system cannot guarantee the proper
deviation when going at a high speed.
Reach of the Wheeler
The Wheeler can drive distances between 10-20km with a fully charged battery. The terrain on which you
drive and the weight of the person driving it can influence this distance. On unequal terrains, when you
drive up many hills etc, the distance will be less than on flat terrains. Also the speed and driving style have
an influence on the distance. If you stop frequently instead of driving with a constant mediocre speed, the
distance will decrease.
Avoid slippery surfaces such as ice, snow or wet terrains because of slipping hazard.
Please note, when driving underneath something, standing on the Wheeler makes you 12cm taller.
Pedal sensor
The device has 4 sensors under the pedals that adapt the device to the balance of the user. While driving
the Wheeler, make sure that you keep both feet on the 4 pedals and not besides them. Never place other
things on the pedals. This can influence the balance and make the device interpret your actions wrong.
LED indication
In the middle of the Wheeler there are indication LEDs that represent the status of the battery and if the
device is active or not.
The battery is over half full when you see 3 LEDs lit up on the left upper side. The battery is 15% when you
see the blue LEDs flashing. When the red LEDs flash, the Wheeler requires charging.
The white LEDs on the front of the Wheeler and the blue LEDs on top will light up as soon as you get on
the pedal sensor and will indicate by flashing a left/right turn or will remain steady while driving straight.
If there is a problem with the Wheeler, the LEDs will light up red and you will hear a warning tone.
First ‘Steps’ on the Wheeler
We recommend you to find a safe environment for your first attempts to driving the Wheeler and optionally
a supervising person. Make sure there is no traffic nearby and that the surface is flat in order to apprehend
the controls of the Wheeler. We also recommend you to wear protective clothing and accessories to reduce
the chance on severe injuries.
Step 1: Press the ON/OFF button to turn the device on. Afterwards you can turn the device ON or OFF with
the remote control.
NOTE: When you turn on the Wheeler, but leave it unused for 10 minutes, the device will turn itself OFF for
security reasons. If this is the case, you cannot turn the device on with the remote control and you will need
to push the ON/OFF button on the device.