IMU-BPP-030-C-2017.08.17 - 6/6
CIAT Sp. z o.o. – ul. Langiewicza 62 – 95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki – POLAND
tel.: (48) 91 432 35 20 – fax: (48) 91 432 35 36 – e-mail: [email protected] – www.gryfit.com
To unblock the FDG actuator, rotate the hex key with 10° in the direction indicated by the arrow below the socket
and then let the actuator rotate freely until the indicator shows the -5 degrees position – damper in open position.
5 –
The product is subject to a three-year guarantee from the date of sale, provided that product was checked and
necessary maintenance was carried out by personnel authorized by the Manufacturer at least once in the year and
it is documented by the written report delivered to Manufacturer or its local Distributor without delay after product
check. If this condition was not met, a guarantee period would be limited to one year. Distributor is allowed to
extend guarantee conditions to its own risk.
Warranty does not apply to claims for malfunction resulting from non-compliance with this Installation and Usage
Manual. The Manufacturer is not responsible for the components that are installed outdoors and exposed to
weather conditions.
Distributor is the sole responsible entity for execution of guarantee to customers.