INDIVIDUAL PARTS _____________________
All attachments can be used for real
and artificial nails.
The sapphire emery removes only
the hard, dead skin, but glides over
the soft skin without harming it.
Rough and fine abrasive
– The rough and fine abrasive disks
shorten and shape the nails up to
the corners. You can attain flaw-
less nails, which no longer tear,
break or splinter.
Large abrasive cone
– The large abrasive cone allows
you to treat calluses and hardened
skin on feet and hands as well as
hardened fingernails and toenails.
It restores shape of crooked nails
and alleviates painful pressure.
Small milling cutter
– The small milling cutter removes dif-
ficult corners and edges, particu-
larly in places the large abrasive
cone cannot reach. It also allows
you to clean the underside of
artificial nails. Use the small milling
cutter with care.