that you want to copy onto the MultiMediaCard by means of “drag and drop” or
by double-clicking the file name. HINT: To drag and drop an item, simply click the
item and “drag” it into the Playlist Window, and then click again.
In the Playlist Window, you can also change the sequence of the tracks (also by
means of drag and drop), as well as remove tracks from the list by highlighting
them and pressing the delete key on your keyboard.
In the status bar under the Playlist Window, you will see how much storage capacity
your Playlist requires, and whether the MultiMediaCard has enough free space to
load the complete list.
3.1.3. Loading music files onto the MultiMediaCard
Connect your MP
MP3 player, or your card station, to your PC via the appro-
priate interface (i.e. COM1…COM4 or LPT1…LPT3). Please read the operating
instructions for your device carefully, and make sure the appropriate drivers are
installed for the MP
150 and card stations SR52PPA and SR54USB. If you are
using the MP
100, make sure it is in “Download” mode before beginning your
download. Also, make sure only one MultiMediaCard is in the MP
If you click the “Check MultiMediaCard” option (from the “MultiMediaCard” menu
at the top of the window), the MultiMediaCard in your device will be identified.
The message “Online” will then be displayed in the lower left-hand window. You
will also see any saved files (if present) on the card, and the amount of used and
available space.
The music tracks in the Play list will be copied in the given order. Should the capa-
city of the MultiMediaCard inserted be exceeded, a message is displayed stating
that the card is full. Downloading is terminated.
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