- 6 -
HAMS 400
2.5 s
oft ware
Control unit
If necessary, you can activate the indication of the software version of the
control unit manually:
• Press any two keys on the control unit of the head-end station simultaneously
until the display goes dark and the software version, e.g. "
V 45
" appears.
After activating the cassette the software version of the cassette is displayed
(see page 13).
2.6 e
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tr ansPonder
STC 816
• HDE 400 converts the video signal into an ASI signal.
• HAMS 400 converts the ASI signal into a Sat IF signal at 950 MHz.
—> The frequency of the RF output signal of the HAMS 400 must be set
to the frequency of the input crossover.
GL 100
• GL 100 converts the satellite signal (vertical and horizontal) into a satellite
IF band with 950...5450 MHz.
Vertical input frequency LO = 9750 MHz 10700...12750 MHz corre-
sponds to 950...3000 MHz at output
Horizontal input frequency LO = 7300 MHz 10700...12750 MHz corre-
sponds to 3400...5450 MHz at output
Feed-in switch
• The feed-in switch inserts the Sat IF signal of the HAMS 400 at 950 MHz at
the lower end of the vertical plane.
SOC 100
• The Sat IF signals 950...5450 MHz are then converted into an optical sig-
nal and output via two parallel optical outputs (FC connections, wavelength
1310 nm). The optical output power of +7 dBm allows distribution to up to
64 distribution points (32 per output) within a 10 km radius.