Private IP addresses belong to particular IP ad-
dress ranges that are not routed in the Internet.
They can be used by anybody for private Net-
works, such as LANs. Many computer networks
require complete connectivity at IP level, but
only limited access to the Internet. If such a com-
puter network has a private IP address range,
it forms an intranet which cannot be accessed
from the Internet as the Internet routers ignore
private address ranges. A gateway or router
that is placed in this private network and which
has a public address in the Internet as well as a
private IP address makes the connection to the
Internet. This can be performed by a proxy or
using NAT/PAT/Masquerading. As the address
range used can only be viewed within the pri-
vate network, the same range can also be used
in other private networks. The unique nature of
an IP address required by the Internet protocol
is ensured by this restricted visibility.
A proxy or proxy server is a service program for
computer networks that administers data trans-
fer. It makes data transfer faster, and can also
increase security by implementing access control
mechanisms. The transfer is conducted between
computers or programs in computer networks.
On the server side, the proxy acts as a client; on
the client side, it acts as a server.
A router is a network component that links sev-
eral computer networks. The router analyses (on
the basis of layer 3 information) the network
packages of a protocol it receives and forwards
it to the intended destination network. Conven-
tional routers work on layer 3 of the application
layer. A router has an interface for every net-
work connected to it. When data is received, the
router determines the correct path to the destina-
tion and thereby the suitable interface via which
the data can be transferred. For this it uses a
locally available routing table that specifies via
which router connection a particular network
can be reached.
Unrestricted single cable system.
If your antenna system is equipped with a single
cable multi-switch, the televisions which are con-
nected to this antenna system can receive televi-
sion channels independently from one another.
WEP (wired equivalent privacy) is the standard
encryption algorithm for WLAN. It controls both
access to the network as well as ensuring the
confidentiality and integrity of data. This proce-
dure is considered insecure nowadays. For this
reason, more recent WLAN installations should
use the more secure WPA encryption.
This is the number of transmitted symbols in the
digital transmission technology per time unit
A transponder receives data on a satellite and
then transmits it again. For example, an earth
station can transmit data signals for television
channels to a geostationary satellite, which
sends this back to earth. Any suitable satellite
antenna with visual contact to the satellite can
receive the signal.
Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV or Ultra
HDTV) and Ultra High Definition Video (UHDV)
are a digital video format which includes two
picture resolutions (4K and 8K). Resolution:
3840 × 2160 (UHD-1) or 7680 × 4320 pixels